College 4+1 Pathways

4+1 College Pathways

4+1 College Pathways allow undergraduate students to embark upon a path to earning both an undergraduate and graduate degree from the College of Arts and Sciences in a non-traditional way. A core principle of the Pathways program is that both the undergraduate and graduate credential remain unchanged so that there is no need to manage a separate curriculum. There is, however, great flexibility for students and units in the pathway a student takes to completing the degree programs. All Pathways must be approved by the College prior to being announced or recruiting students.

Benefits of the 4+1 Pathways


The benefits to students include:

  • Ability to complete an undergraduate and graduate degree in a shorter time span than traditional paths
  • Ability to take graduate courses while in undergraduate status under the flat tuition rate, often taking advantage of scholarships and other undergraduate financial aid
  • Support structure to help ensure students are admissible to the University Graduate School
  • Opportunity to earn a graduate degree that can further their career goals

Units and the College

The benefits to the College and units include:

  • Recruiting high-quality, fee-paying graduate students
  • Encouraging students who enter IU with ACP, AP, and other types of special credit to remain at IU for a master's degree