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Extended-X petition

Students who earn a grade lower than an A in a course taken at Indiana University may be eligible, upon retaking the course, to remove (have "X'ed") the earlier grade from their grade point average (GPA). Since the Extended-X policy can be confusing, we employ the following terms on this form to provide clarity about it:

  • ENROLLMENT X: the enrollment of the course the student seeks to have removed from the GPA (the X'd enrollment)
  • ENROLLMENT Y: the student's subsequent enrollment in the course (must be taken after ENROLLMENT X)

Policy Restrictions

  • Courses that are X'd will not carry credit toward degree under any circumstance and cannot be used to fulfill requirements or prerequisites
  • Students may only apply for an Extended-X for a maximum of 3 enrollments or 10 credit hours, whichever comes first
  • Both enrollments (ENROLLMENT X and ENROLLMENTY) in the course must have been taken in the Fall 2001 semester or later and must be the same course and same topic
  • Though a student may submit this petition while taking the subsequent enrollment (ENROLLMENT Y) of the course, the policy cannot be applied until after the enrollment is completed
  • To affect academic standing for the current term, this form must be submitted by 5:00 p.m. the Friday of final exam week; otherwise, it must be submitted by 5:00 p.m. the Friday before the graduation for which the student has applied
  • Additional information about the Extended-X policy is available at

You must log in with your CAS username and passphrase to submit this petition.

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