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Instructional concerns form

This form allows undergraduate students to seek a remedy related to instructional issues in a course in the College of Arts and Sciences at Indiana University Bloomington (see list of College units offering undergraduate courses).

In nearly all cases, it is expected that students make a good-faith effort to resolve the issue(s) directly with the instructor. If such an effort is not made, the College reserves the right to send the student back to the instructor.

The College also reserves the right to refer students to a more appropriate procedure or office.

This form is not intended to replace or trigger a formal Grade Appeal after the semester has ended and a final grade reported. Students who wish to file a formal Grade Appeal in a College undergraduate course should review the grade appeal policy.

Once this form is submitted, the case will be assigned to an Associate or Assistant Dean in the College. The dean will contact the administration of the unit and/or instructor involved in an attempt to resolve the issue. If appropriate, the dean may delegate the response to an appropriate administrator in the unit. In most cases, the full details of the student’s complaint are made available to all parties involved. If there are concerns about this, the student should make note of it on the form. In some cases, information may be shared with other offices at Indiana University, if required or otherwise appropriate.

A formal response will be emailed to the student as soon as possible and generally within 10 business days from the date of submission.

You must log in with your CAS username and passphrase to submit this form.

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